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Heroin Use On The Rise In Erie, Pennsylvania Area

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Heroin Use On The Rise In Erie, Pennsylvania Area

In the Erie region of Pennsylvania heroin abuse is once again on the rise. Packages that consist of one dose of heroin are now being sold between $20-$35. Experts report that younger people are now becoming more involved with the distribution and use of heroin.  In the past it seemed as if the vast majority of those selling heroin were addicts that could be found on the streets. It was typical for a group of heroin addicts to pool their money and then travel to the Detroit are to buy a large amount of heroin and bring it back for personal use. Now the drug dealers from Detroit are bringing the lethal heroin to the Erie region making heroin more readily available for those addicted. Law enforcement feels that a recent drug bust of 5 ounces of heroin is proof that dealers are migrating from Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo and that heroin addiction is once again on the rise. Many feel that heroin addiction is on the rise as a direct result of the recent surge in prescription drug abuse. Both prescription drugs and heroin are opiates and when the addict cannot get their hands on prescription painkillers such as OxyContin they are quick to turn to heroin. Addiction to heroin does not discriminate as college students, working class people and individuals who have families have become addicted. Many claim that their addiction began after they had suffered some sort of injury and used and abused prescription drugs like Percocet and Vicodin for an extended period of time. Whatever the reason for addiction help is available. There are very few stories of people who are able to overcome their addiction to opiates without the professional help of an addiction treatment center. If you leave in the Pennsylvania area or anywhere else in the country help is available.

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