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Holiday and Alcohol Addiction Triggers

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Now that the holidays are here more of us are getting invited and attending different holiday parties where alcohol is a part of the celebration. We cannot avoid all parties that alcohol may be at, so it is important to have a plan of action if you feel temptation creeping up. Our brains are really good at recalling the good memories about using drugs and alcohol, especially during the holidays. Some of the strongest feelings are produced around the holidays. Both good and bad feelings can lead a person to relapse. For example, while having fun with friends and family the thought of “maybe I can have just one” will creep in. Missing family or loved ones over the holidays is an addiction trigger a can create sadness which had always been alleviated in the past with substance abuse. A good relapse prevention technique to have during these events is an accountability partner. An accountability partner is someone whom you can call and check in with while attending these events. It will serve as a reminder that you are in a better place without the use of drugs and alcohol. They will also be able to encourage you, should you feel uncomfortable. Be aware of how the disease of addiction may attempt to create an opportunity for relapse during different holiday events. Beware of addiction triggers and stay plugged into your recovery community for support over the holidays.

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