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Is Inpatient Alcohol Detox Necessary?

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Rehab is a vital component of addiction treatment, and lasting sobriety is unlikely without the support, education, and therapy that rehab programs can provide. However, diving into rehab is not recommended, which is why most patients opt for inpatient alcohol detox. Discover why an inpatient detox can set the tone for a successful rehab and a life of health and happiness.

Understanding the Role of an Inpatient Detox for Alcohol Addiction

Residential detox programs, also known as inpatient detox programs, typically last a week and are designed to help individuals who struggle with alcohol abuse to cut ties with their addiction. However, these programs are a lot more than just a supervised cold turkey process. Instead, detox offers 24/7 accountability as well as medical supervision. Attempting to completely withdraw from alcohol without medical professionals can be a risky move, often resulting in major health problems as well as a higher risk of failure. A proper detox facility allows patients to get care and attention when it is needed, ensuring complete withdrawal with minimal symptoms and maximum comfort. This may include prescription medications or sedatives in order to decrease any discomfort throughout the process.

The Risks of Beginning Rehab Without a Complete Detox

Beyond the physical risks of trying to quit cold turkey, there are many risks associated with attempting rehab without a complete and proper detox. During rehab, patients will be asked to recall past experiences, delve into a history of trauma and come to terms with themselves. If patients are still dealing with withdrawal symptoms throughout, they won’t be able to properly focus or make progress. Detox also helps patients understand what causes withdrawal, what some of their biggest risks are and what cravings feel like when they are not meet. This is important because detox won’t be the last time there are temptations. Understanding these challenges related to alcohol addiction can make it easier to relate to group sessions, counseling and the various therapies offered during rehab.

Detox Provides Stabilization and Mental Clarity

Most rehab programs are designed to offer structure to patients, which is important because it can fend off boredom, loneliness and depression, three big factors associated with relapsing. Detox gets patients used to that structure, stabilizing them and introducing them to the ideas of regular sleeping and dining times. Getting this stabilization is key to recovery. Also vital is the mental clarity that only comes after the inpatient alcohol detox is complete. Being cognitively aware makes patients more receptive to treatment and can increase the effectiveness of therapy. Before rehab, inpatient alcohol detox is integral. Take back control over your life and your future by calling 866-957-4960 and learning more about Stepping Stone Center for Recovery in Jacksonville, Florida.

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