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The Two L’s: Love and Lohan

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The Two L’s: Love and Lohan

Love and Lohan
Love and Lohan
Recently the tabloids reported that Courtney Love was going to help with Lindsay Lohan’s drug addiction by being her sober coach. Anyone who has been a fan of Courtney Love’s band Hole, knows that Love’s struggle with addiction is a never ending battle.  We’ve all witnessed media programs where Courtney was supposed to be sober and her behavior was so erratic she seemed to be intoxicated. Love also reports that she did not become a junkie until she began using with husband Kurt Cobain, who later killed himself in 1994. Although Love has had a tremendous amount of fame, the disease of addiction did not discriminate from infecting her. Similarly, Lindsay Lohan’s drug addiction seems to be repeating much of the same pattern as Love’s addiction by way of Lohan’s cocaine and alcohol abuse. She has been in and out of treatment more than 3 times and continues to struggle with staying clean. We know that she has a predisposition for addiction from her family history and has publicly struggled with many family exploits. Addiction plagues our celebrities in the same way it does non celebrities. Unfortunately, celebrities have their dirty laundry aired for the public to have opinions about It seems that both of these women have chosen drugs and alcohol to cope with very real life issues. This unhealthy choice of how to cope has caused train wrecks in their lives. Love lost custody of her daughter for a period of time and Lohan’s once promising career has terribly suffered. Old behavior patterns of using drugs and alcohol are easy to slip into especially when the going gets tough. Learning healthy coping skills in addiction treatment seems to be essential for living a sober lifestyle. Even when you get clean and sober all the same struggles still exist. Reports have been made that the allegation of Love being Lohan’s sober coach is false. Both are extremely talented females that would benefit from long term sobriety. It would be interesting to see the type of creativity that would come from them being sober.

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