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Tag: Drug Rehab

How Should I Prepare Myself for Alcohol Addiction Therapy?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there are 16.3 million adults in the United States struggling with alcohol abuse, and more than 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually. Chances are many of those people never even sought alcohol addiction therapy. These staggering statistics are often enough to convince people that…

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Painkillers Addiction Literally Killing In Portsmouth, Ohio

In Portsmouth, Ohio addiction to prescription drugs has grown so rapidly that amount of deaths caused by overdose has exceeded the number of deaths caused by car accidents. The state of Ohio as well as the Obama administration are in the process of taking actions to help those addicted to prescription medication and help get control of the growing problem.

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Drug Addiction and Trafficking in Laredo, Texas

Laredo, Texas is prone to drug trafficking due to its close proximity to Mexico. As a result of the high volume of drug trafficking many in Laredo, Texas struggle with drug addiction and alcohol abuse and consequently are in need of drug rehab or addiction treatment.

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Addiction in Upscale Boca Raton, Florida

Even in a town like Boca Raton, Florida drug addiction and alcoholism is a problem. It may be kept more quiet but addiction does not discriminate against age, race, sex or economic class. The best way to overcome addiction is by getting the professional help offered at an addiction treatment center.

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Living Free of Addiction in the Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania

While the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania are beautiful and luxurious there are still those who suffer from drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Many have found it beneficial to leave there home town to avoid distraction and focus all of their energy on overcoming their addiction.

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