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Addiction Therapy Services


Addiction Therapy Services

Stepping Stone Center for Recovery a variety of addiction therapy services to help those in need.

While addiction can affect anyone, it doesn’t always affect them in the same way. Individuals enter treatment with a range of different backgrounds, experiences, and circumstances. Because addiction affects individuals differently, their treatment approach should be different as well.

By offering different addiction therapy services in Jacksonville, FL, we are able to give each of our clients the support and help they need to achieve their goals of recovery. Our team understands that while addiction therapy programs are essential to care, each option is ideal for each client. For some, speaking one on one with a therapist will help them feel safe and heard. However, that same style of therapy could cause anxiety in others. Some people prefer to speak in front of groups of people and enjoy communicating with others. For some, speaking in front of strangers is nerve-wracking and ineffective. At Stepping Stone Center for Recovery, we offer a variety of addiction therapy services to ensure that each of our clients receives the most effective form of treatment possible.

Individual Therapy Program

An individual therapy program is the most traditional and thought of option when it comes to therapy options. During these sessions, clients speak one-on-one with their therapist. This creates a trusting bond between the two, allowing the client to feel comfortable opening up and discussing their addiction, history, and circumstances. These sessions tend to focus on the reasons behind a person’s addiction and plans for the future.

Group Therapy Program

Another quite common option for addiction therapy is a group therapy program. This program allows clients to speak in a group setting with a therapist acting as a facilitator. Through these sessions, clients are able to talk with their peers about a variety of topics to help them learn and grow. Group therapy helps to strengthen communication skills and build a support system for both during and after treatment. Individuals will gain new insights into situations from their peers while also learning from the experiences of others. The therapist is present to keep conversations moving, respectful, and on target.

Life Skills Training Program

Life skills are essential to maintaining successful recovery once a client leaves treatment. With a life skills training program, clients are able to learn these crucial skills they may have lacked before treatment. By learning life skills, individuals will leave treatment with a relapse prevention plan. Vital life skills that are taught in this program can include:

  • Seeking out and maintaining gainful employment
  • Keeping a clean living area
  • Participating in self-care
  • Setting goals and achieving them
  • Successfully managing finances
  • Nurturing healthy relationships
  • Cooking and eating healthily
  • Managing time effectively

Begin Addiction Therapy Programs in Jacksonville, FL

If you’re ready to begin with treatment and participate in addiction therapy programs, you need the help of Stepping Stone Center for Recovery. We help our clients achieve their recovery goals through custom treatment plans that include a range of programs, therapies, and services. Our programs include:

To learn more about our services and to speak with an admissions specialist, contact Stepping Stone Center for Recovery today by calling 866.957.4960.

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Addiction Treatment Center In Florida

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Taking the first step towards recovery can be daunting, but knowing your options for care is paramount to your success. Please fill out the form, and one of our team members will reach out to help you get started.