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Bipolar + Addiction Treatment Center

Bipolar-Disorder-Treatment-CenterBipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a treatable psychiatric disorder. It is classified as a mood disorder because it is characterized by extreme changes in mood, energy level, or behavior. Individuals suffering from a bipolar disorder commonly exhibit swings between manic moods and depressive moods. Mood swings in affected individuals can last for hours, days, or even weeks. A bipolar treatment center can provide the support, help, and care you need to manage your mental health properly. Treatment programs in Jacksonville, FL are the building blocks necessary for a successful recovery.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Unfortunately, we live in a world where mental illness isn’t truly understood or accepted by the general public. It’s common for people with a mental illness to hear from friends or family that they need to just “get over it” or “try to act normal,” but it’s not that simple. Those who suffer from mental illness have chemical imbalances in the brain that are beyond their control. Without the help of a medical professional who understands mental illness, it can be near impossible to overcome the issue.

Those who are struggling with bipolar disorder have days of highs and lows, and there’s no telling what will trigger their mood. The person will either have an amazing day of happiness and excitement, or they may go the complete opposite direction and be extremely depressed or angry. This happens because the person’s brain is having a hard time regulating the person’s moods, so there’s no telling how the person will feel from one moment to the next. Drugs and alcohol are mind-altering substances that may help balance the person’s mood out in rare occasions, but in most cases, the substances can amplify the issue, but the person can’t stop drinking or using without the help of dual-diagnosis treatment.

Signs of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is often confused with depression; however, there are significant differences between the two illnesses. The extreme “highs” and “lows” of bipolar disorder are what set it apart from other diseases.

Similar to drug or alcohol addiction, the symptoms of bipolar disorder can be severe and affect most areas of a person’s life. Below are the extremes that characterize bipolar disorder:

The Manic Phase of Bipolar Disorder

  • Increased energy
  • Heightened mood, extreme self-confidence
  • Elevated irritability
  • Decreased sleep without fatigue
  • Grandiose thoughts, inflated sense of self-importance
  • Racing speech and thoughts
  • Impulsiveness and poor judgment
  • Reckless behavior

The Depressive Phase of Bipolar Disorder

  • Prolonged sadness with unexplained crying spells
  • Significant changes in appetite and sleep
  • Irritability, agitation, or anxiety
  • Feeling of indifference
  • Loss of energy
  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Inability to take pleasure in former interests
  • Unexplained aches and pains

The Best Bipolar Disorder Treatment Starts with the Proper Diagnosis at a Bipolar Treatment Center

When an individual arrives at Stepping Stone Center for Recovery, he or she is assessed for mental disorders that may coexist with addiction so that both can be treated properly. The simultaneous existence of addiction and a psychological disorder is referred to as a dual diagnosis.

We specialize in the treatment of all dual diagnosis disorders and have comprehensive treatment approaches in place to treat these disorders along with substance abuse issues. Psychological therapies help clients reduce the severity and frequency of their mood swings. Therapy also provides afflicted individuals with the tools needed to adapt to living with the disorder.

Patients are also given medical treatment to manage bipolar disorder. Medical professionals often prescribe mood stabilizers, such as Depakote or Lamictal, to regulate a patient’s brain chemicals that affect mood and behavior. This can ease or even eliminate mood swings. Sometimes a combination of medicines is necessary to address the extremes of bipolar disorder.

Our doctors and counselors provide individualized treatment methods to provide a client with optimal care and stable recovery.

Why is Dual-Diagnosis Treatment So Important?

The two leading causes of relapse for those trying to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction is an untreated or undiagnosed mental condition. Without the help of a dual-diagnosis treatment center like Stepping Stone Center, it’s very difficult or impossible to maintain sobriety because the mind is acting irrationally. Dual-diagnosis treatment provides you with separate treatment methods to treat your addiction as well as your symptoms of mental illness.

While you’re in treatment, you’ll go through educational classes as well as individual and group sessions to learn ways to overcome your addiction. You’ll soon find that you’re not alone in your struggles with drugs or alcohol, and you’ll also be surrounded by other people who have symptoms of mental illness that have fueled their addiction. Here, you’ll learn different strategies to help you in your sobriety once you discharge from treatment. However, you’ll also be receiving treatment for your bipolar disorder.

At Stepping Stone Center, you’ll be meeting with a doctor and psychologist who will assess your bipolar disorder as part of your dual-diagnosis treatment. Once we diagnose the severity of your bipolar disorder, you may be provided with non-narcotic mood-stabilizing medications to help balance out your symptoms.

Aftercare is Crucial

Much like addiction, your bipolar disorder will need treatment once you leave Stepping Stone Center. We provide each client with a solid discharge plan so you can continue to get the help you need. This allows you to manage your bipolar disorder once you leave treatment. It’s of the utmost importance to follow up with a doctor. This is because your symptoms may change over time, so your medication may need to be adjusted. With the tools you receive in treatment and during the aftercare treatment program, you’ll have the opportunity to live a healthy, fulfilling life, so give us a call today at 866.957.4960.

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