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Developing a dependence on any substance leads to withdrawal when stopping. Adderall is no different. Although the drug isn’t considered as intense or dangerous as some illicit drugs, the possibility of Adderall overdose is very real. At an Adderall detox center in Jacksonville, FL, you get the support you need to attain sobriety and create a new life in recovery. Those who take Adderall to treat conditions like ADHD are susceptible to dependency from long-term use. The effects of Adderall withdrawal and can be unpleasant without help. Among these effects are severe depression and suicidal impulses. That makes getting help to cope with detox through withdrawal treatment crucial to a successful outcome and the safety of the patient.

It is one of the most prescribed stimulants on the market, but it has a high potential for abuse and addiction. By 2015, sales of Adderall had increased by 180 percent. A large portion of those needing treatment for Adderall addiction are children between the ages of 12 – and 17. According to CDC statistics, 13.5 percent of drug overdoses for that age range in 2015 were due to suicide. Identifying the signs of Adderall abuse can help to identify when you or a loved one need the help of an Adderall detox program in Jacksonville, FL.

Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms

The symptoms of withdrawal are similar to those of other stimulant addictions, but they can vary. Factors include the amount and duration of use, the age and overall condition of the patient, and the formulation of the drug. Adderall XR provides around the clock management of conditions like narcolepsy and attention deficit disorders. That means the onset of withdrawal symptoms can be delayed, and the drug will remain in the system longer than with the standard formulation.

Recovering from Adderall dependency or mild, relatively new addictions may be managed by a gradual reduction in the dosage. Severe addictions will have more side effects during withdrawal, and they may be more intense. Symptoms include:

  • Extreme fatigue from a stimulant crash
  • Sleepiness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches and low-grade body pain
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Mental Fog
  • Increased appetite
  • Moodiness and irritability
  • Nightmares and hallucinations
  • Depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts

Withdrawal is unpleasant, but most side effects aren’t life-threatening unless there are other health and mental health problems to deal with. At an Adderall detox center in Jacksonville, FL, a dual diagnosis treatment program assists with mental health symptoms so each individual can focus on recovery. Additionally, medications provided at an Adderall detox center can help manage minor aches and pains or deal with anxiety and depression.

Adderall Withdrawal Timeline

Each case is different, but there is an Adderall withdrawal timeline that falls within a certain range for most people recovering from addiction. Knowing what to expect during a Jacksonville, FL Adderall detox program can make facing the prospect of withdrawal less unpleasant and stressful.

First Day of Withdrawal

Within six hours of the final dose of Adderall, the effects of the drug begin to wear off. After 24 hours, the drug is mostly out of the system, and withdrawal symptoms start. Anxiety and fatigue often appear during this period.

Two to Four Days Into Treatment

The most severe withdrawal symptoms will occur within the first 72 hours and begin to taper off after that. During this phase, severe anxiety, depression, and a feeling of hopelessness are common. Fatigue increases, but sleep is often disturbed by nightmares. With detox from heavy or long term use, hallucinations and paranoia may also occur.

One Week Into Treatment

The hardest part of withdrawal is ending, but individuals may still experience mood swings and other psychological issues. Social withdrawal is common during this phase as the brain slowly returns to normal function.

After The First Week and Beyond

Most of those in an addiction treatment program for stimulant abuse have the physical elements of withdrawal behind them now and can look forward to therapy and relapse prevention. Many people may still feel the effects of withdrawal for weeks after treatment. Factors in this process include severe or long-standing use, mental health issues, and chronic conditions that require further medical care.

Treatment for Adderall Addiction

The first step to treatment for addiction or dependency is Adderall detox, which is similar to cocaine and methamphetamine detox. During treatment, medical supervision helps manages withdrawal symptoms. Once the drug is completely out of the system and the withdrawal symptoms taper off, the next phase of treatment can begin.

Since a high percentage of those who become addicted to Adderall are young adults trying to cope with the pressures of school or entering a career and people struggling with weight loss, therapy to uncover and work through self-esteem issues can help. The goal of an addiction therapy program is to build self-awareness and confidence while developing tools to handle stress and social or work pressure better. Concurrent medical problems like renal failure, stroke, or damage in the sinus cavity and mucous membrane from snorting Adderall may require ongoing medical attention in addition to therapy.

Many clinicians recommend a 90-day inpatient treatment program and a structured rehab aftercare program. The first six months after treatment are when newly recovered addicts are most susceptible to relapse. Since many of those in treatment for abusing the drug are students, ongoing support from friends and family members is an important component of long-term recovery and relapse prevention.

How to Determine When Someone is Experiencing an Overdose on Adderall

Hospital emergency admissions from stimulant overdose are up for every demographic. Common abuse practices like snorting Adderall and using it in combination with other drugs increase the risk of overdose. Adderall overdose doesn’t necessarily mean death, but that is a genuine risk. An overdose occurs when an excessive amount of the drug is taken all at once, but it can also be due to a buildup of drugs in the system from long-term or heavy use.

The symptoms that someone is experiencing an overdose on Adderall include:

  • Chest pains
  • Rapid heartbeat and increased respiration
  • Severe tremors or uncontrollable shaking
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Stroke

Prior to death, convulsions and coma can occur, but cardiac arrest is not uncommon due to the increase of blood pressure and volume. No standard drug exists to counteract a stimulant overdose, but getting medical attention immediately is critical. Adderall overdose can be avoided by taking this drug only under a doctor’s guidance and at the recommended dosages. Concerned parents can also look into alternatives to manage attention deficit disorders like nutritional programs and behavior modification therapy.

Find an Adderall Detox Program in Jacksonville, FL Today

At Stepping Stone Center for Recovery, our Adderall detox center provides comprehensive support for your recovery. Trained clinicians and therapists help you gain the knowledge and skills you need for a lasting recovery. Get started today, call us at 866.957.4960.

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