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Cocaine was once the main ingredient in a popular soft drink. Such historical luminaries have lauded it as Sigmund Freud. However, this drug of choice for the social set has a long and sometimes bloody history. Learn more about our cocaine addiction treatment program in Jacksonville, FL today to help save a life. If you think you or someone you love has a cocaine addiction, contact the cocaine addiction treatment center in Jacksonville, FL, at Stepping Stone Recovery.


What is Cocaine?

Cocaine, which goes by the street names Blow, Coke, or Powder, is a white crystalline powder extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. This plant is where the soft drink Coca-Cola got its name and former active ingredient. It thrives in the steamy environment of South American rain forests, and it may be the number one cash crop and illegal export of that region. For thousands of years, natives chewed the leaves for their analgesic properties. For this reason, doctors sometimes use cocaine to numb pain from injuries and during surgery.

This drug is a Class II central nervous system stimulant that elicits euphoria and a sense of invincibility in users. The heightened, pleasurable feelings obtained when someone first uses coke often lead to a cycle of use and abuse that devastates lives and often leads to financial ruin. Some estimate that up to 1,800 Americans try cocaine for the first time every day.

Users usually snort coke, but they can also smoke it or dissolve it in water and injected it. The drug hits within a minute or so of entering the bloodstream. However, the effects are short-lived. They last only about 30 minutes; mild withdrawal symptoms lead to cravings almost as soon as the initial effects wear off. These cravings are why even social uses usually lead to binges that can last all night. Cocaine addiction sets in very quickly, sometimes within a week of frequent abuse. Alternative forms of the drug, like crack cocaine, are even more addictive and deadly.

Cocaine Addiction Statistics

Use is lower than when the drug was at its peak in the 70s and 80s. However, cocaine addiction statistics demonstrate that the drug is still a significant force in US addiction rates and drug-related deaths. According to research conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), nearly one million Americans fit the criteria detailed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for addiction, dependence, or abuse.

A different study by the same agency discovered that 35 million individuals age 12 and older used cocaine within a year of the study, and almost nine million have used crack. The death rates from cocaine use peaked in 2006 at just over 7,000. They’ve dropped slightly since that study, but remain at over 5,000 per year. Cocaine users must enroll in a cocaine addiction treatment program in Jacksonville, FL, before it is too late.

Why Is Cocaine Addictive?

The active ingredient in cocaine, benzoylmethylecgonine, causes the brain to flood with excessive amounts of dopamine. The dopamine causes intense feelings of euphoria and happiness. Those who use the drug, even occasionally, appear super confident and energetic. Repeated use disrupts regular dopamine production, leading to brain dysfunction when use stops. The addiction is mainly psychological, as abusers crave the feelings gained from using the drug.

How people use cocaine and what additives are mixed in contribute to cocaine addiction rates and the deadliness of the drug. Two of the most deadly factors involved with cocaine abuse are the effects and strain on the heart and the danger when it’s cut or used with other drugs. One of the deadliest combinations is called a speedball, which is when cocaine is mixed with heroin and injected. Because the effects of the cocaine wear off sooner and elicit cravings, users will often take more before the level of heroin is reduced, leading to overdose. Because opiates are relatively cheap, people sometimes use them to cut cocaine to increase volume – and profits – with the same result.

A Tale of Two Addictions

Due to the expense and difficulty obtaining high-quality coke, people often associate the powder form of the drug with wealth. People create crack with the excess of powder cocaine that’s left after processing it for higher purity. Crack cocaine is a cheap, easy-to-obtain high that has devastated underprivileged communities around the country. For comparison, you can buy a gram of powder for about $60 – $100, depending on the purity. A crack rock sells for $10 – $20. It may contain any number of other substances, including soap, baking soda, or salt. People usually smoke it through narrow glass tubes or in pipes.

The drug first hit the streets in the 80s, leading to an explosion in crack cocaine addiction and mostly gang-related street violence. This explosion was partially due to the intense but short-lived high that caused cravings for more within 15 minutes of taking a hit. Since the drug was cheap and easy to make, it flooded the streets and led to a national epidemic before making its way around the world.

Although such high proportions of use have dropped since the initial crack craze, it still accounts for a large percentage of overall cocaine use, especially among young people. A 2006 survey conducted by Monitoring the Future showed that 8.6 million Americans over the age of 12 had used crack cocaine. The drug accounted for 71 percent of all admissions for cocaine abuse treatment that year. Since that survey, levels remain relatively stable, but they’ve tapered slightly over the past two years. If you are struggling with a cocaine addiction, our cocaine addiction treatment program in Jacksonville, FL can help.

Is There Help for Cocaine Addiction?

Yes. As long as an individual is alive, rehabilitation at a cocaine addiction treatment center is possible. Because cocaine addiction affects brain functioning, suddenly quitting without medical intervention and assistance is difficult. It can even be life-threatening. Doctors recommend treatment at a medically supervised detox in a residential facility.

Staff at such treatment centers are trained professionals who have experienced in helping people addicted to cocaine and other substances recover in a safe, secure environment. Such treatment is mandated under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) stipulation. This stipulation states that insurers must provide mental health services, and there is a range of therapeutic environments you can choose.

At our cocaine addiction treatment center in Jacksonville, FL, we will do our best to get you back to a healthy, happy life. In addition to cocaine, we also treat:

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Although it isn’t as prevalent in the news as it once was, cocaine hasn’t disappeared from the scene by any means. In fact, the number of deaths attributed to cocaine abuse is up in the wake of the opioid crisis, rising over the past two years after a period of decline. That’s one reason finding a cocaine addiction treatment center like ours is essential for overcoming addiction. Stepping Stone Center for Recovery is a reputable rehab for cocaine addiction that’s located in Jacksonville, FL.

How Do You Know if You’re Addicted to Cocaine?

People rarely do coke once or twice and leave the drug alone. Frequent use changes brain functioning, leading to tolerance and eventual physical dependency. The symptoms of dependence include needing more of the drug to obtain the same effects as when you were first using, mood changes, and generally suspicious behavior like they have something to hide.

If you’re willing to do almost anything to obtain cocaine, if you keep using despite negative health, financial, or social consequences or you feel your life spinning out of control, you might be addicted to coke.

Other symptoms you’ll notice if someone is abusing cocaine include:

  • Unusual or secretive behavior
  • New peer group or sudden lifestyle change
  • Always late or frequently absent from work, school, or family functions
  • Financial problems like job loss or bankruptcy
  • Stealing from others, selling off valuables, or constantly trying to borrow large amounts of money
  • White powder or powdery residue around the nostrils, on mirrors, or on table tops
  • Sudden, noticeable weight loss
  • Sleep disturbances or insomnia
  • Blistered lips and tooth decay, if the person is smoking crack
  • Evidence of injection sites, if the person is using cocaine intravenously
  • Possession of paraphernalia like glass tubes, razor blades, cut straws, hand mirrors, steel wool, or needles

When someone is addicted to cocaine, the best way to kick the habit is to enter a course of cocaine rehab at a certified cocaine addiction treatment center like Stepping Stone Center for Recovery. Our helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 1-904-530-5559 today and learn more about how to help an addicted friend or family member.

Can Cocaine Addiction be Overcome?

Any addiction can be managed. However, the person seeking treatment must be ready, and they need support from loved ones and a team of trained cocaine rehab specialists in order for recovery to be successful. Often, the narcissistic nature of the drug leads users to deny for a long time that they have a problem. Admitting this and choosing to go through recovery is a long process, and up to 40 percent of people who enter a cocaine addiction treatment program will relapse without proper aftercare support.

Cocaine treatment is available through public programs and at private treatment centers around the country. The greatest fears when deciding to enter a rehab program is what to expect going in, and what your life will be like when you leave.

How is Cocaine Addiction Treated?

The decision to enter a rehab for cocaine addiction is never easy. In addition to fear of facing life sober, you might wonder how you’ll pay for treatment if your job will still be there when you return, and what will happen to your family.

Like many substance abuse recovery programs, cocaine addiction treatment coverage is mandated under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and job leave is protected under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The key is finding an approved cocaine treatment program. Our intake specialist can help you go over your payment options, but don’t allow concerns about cost stop you from getting help for yourself or a loved one.

What to Expect During Your Treatment

Some people seek treatment after surviving an overdose, and some because they’ve lost everything and hit rock bottom. Still, others realize they have a problem early and promise loved ones to get help in order to save a relationship or their job. No matter why you’ve decided to enter cocaine rehab, our staff is here to support you during your recovery and in the months and years after you leave our program.

Your first step is to contact our facility and talk to an admissions coordinator about our cocaine rehab programs and what we have to offer in your situation. We’ll go over your insurance information and determine the right program for you. Our admissions staff can even help you coordinate travel arrangements to our Northern Florida rehab center.

Shortly after your arrival, you’ll receive a complete physical and psychological evaluation to determine your general condition and try to determine if you have any undiagnosed issues we need to address.

We offer several ways to help those who are struggling with addictions. Our programs are detox and stabilization program, relapse recovery, aftercare, and dual diagnosis treatment. Each of these is completely confidential and geared toward addressing addiction at different stages of recovery.

Most people entering our rehab for addiction treatment require detox and stabilization. This portion of the program offers round-the-clock medical supervision and medications to ensure your comfort during the detoxification process. Once you’re stabilized, we can begin with therapies to help uncover the roots of your addiction and devise coping mechanisms to help you deal with these issues.

There is no prescribed medication that specifically addresses cocaine withdrawal symptoms. Our medical staff can administer medications to help with discomfort and anxiety during those crucial first days of recovery. It’s these feelings of confusion and discomfort that often lead to continued drug use. Once you the drugs are completely out of your system and your mental state is clearer, we can begin to work on the process of modifying your behavior so you can make healthier life choices.

Our goal is to prepare you to face the world free from drugs and with the tools you need to deal with stress and temptation moving forward. Each person who leaves our facility will have an aftercare plan in place to provide further support. Relapse recovery is for anyone who has been through rehab already and needs reinforcement to change their behaviors and stop using coke once and for all.

Aftercare is essential to maintain your sobriety. Inside our facility, you’ll find a safe, drug-free space where you’ll interact with others who share your struggle. It’s sometimes difficult for people in recovery to leave that environment.

Before you leave, you’ll be assigned a recovery coach who will be your contact point for additions support once you’re back in the world. We can help you with arranging:

  • Sober living transitional housing
  • Vocational training
  • Social support and services
  • Medical care
  • Mental health services
  • Medical maintenance
  • Group and individual therapy

Choosing the Best Cocaine Addiction Rehab

Successful cocaine addiction treatment is only as good as your determination to get clean and the support systems you have in place to provide the foundation for sobriety in the process. An ideal rehab center is a place where you can deal honestly with your addiction without judgment, where you can get help and support for other issues, and where you’ll gain new insights into your addiction. It’s with greater self-awareness and understanding that true healing can begin.

Recovering from any addiction is tough, and we want you to know that we’ll be in your corner every step of the way. We’re here to heal the whole person, not just the addiction. If you or someone you care about needs cocaine treatment, contact us at 1-904-530-5559 to get the process started. We’re available 24/7, and your confidentiality is assured.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact our cocaine addiction treatment center in Jacksonville, FL, at Stepping Stone Recovery today.

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